Monday, January 26, 2009

In honor of the Super Bowl

Today, I am going to honor the upcoming clash of the titans (Super Bowl XLIII). As we all gear
up to eat lots of party food, drink adult beverages, and laugh at the commercials, I'd like to take this time to say that I know (sorta, kinda, not really) the QB of the Pittsburgh Steelers.
Yes. It's true (sorta, kinda, not really). You see, Big Ben and I went to the same undergraduate institution and I watched him carry our football team to many wins in his illustrious career.
But I actually did come into contact with Big Ben. Settle in...and hear the tale.

I was a rather cold day (my sophomore year, Ben's junior year) in January as a gaggle of students stepped off the bus in front of my dorm. I was trying to compose myself as a blast of
arctic air and diesel exhaust hit me when a shadow fell over me. What was this solar eclipse?
Oh was just Big Ben. Let me tell you, when they say "Big Ben" they mean it. He's just so friggin' tall and imposing. He happened to be walking down the sidewalk as I got off the bus. It was one of those moments where you know you're in the presence of celebrity (and remember, at this time he was just collegiate royalty) and you kind of bumble around. So here I was, star struck when I heard a horrible alarm noise. Someone had left the front door of my dorm open and this atrocious sound was letting all of us know that while we were studying/sleeping/watching MTV in our rooms an intruder was likely entering the premises.

Big Ben, upon hearing this horrible ruckus, felt compelled to help out my dorm mates who were scurrying around the front door. He bellowed "SHUT THE DOOR!! JUST SHUT IT!! SHUT THE DOOR!!" Thanks Ben! We didn't know how we were ever going to get that noise to stop!
And as the alarm ceased, Big Ben wisked off into the cold day, likely on his way to our university's multi-million dollar weight room. And that was my siting of Big Ben Roethlisberger. You probably think that's the last experience I've had relating to him. But you'd be so wrong. I had the RoethlisBurger while in Pittsburgh (it was tasty), and my dad also bought Big Ben's BBQ sauce. So see..he and I are like best buds.

Also, check this out for more Big Ben fun...


skw said...

I remember the story entailing explitives. Where are they now? Are you trying to save face for Big Ben?

SW said...

I don't remember Big Ben cursing. No ma'am.